Freedom Reserve .gif

Freedom Reserve was created on 05.11.2020 by an anonymous group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Their aim is to reform the whole world's economic system by creating the perfect form of money. A non-inflationary, easy to use electronic decentralised cryptocurrency to replace government issued currency.

Freedom Reserve concept

Name Freedom Reserve
Ticker Symbol FR
Total Supply 80,000,000
Decimal Division 18
Token ID Etherscan
Blockscout (xDai Chain)
Bscscan (Smart Chain)
Development Fund Wallet

Download a wallet for FR from

Freedom Reserve is a token that exists on 3 blockchains

Freedom Reserve contract addresses:

Token Bridges:

Buy FR from Exchanges:

Bitcoin Ethereum xDai BNB

If you accept FR for goods and services we want to partner with you by helping to advertise your business.

Green Man Market - Mail order Cigarettes and Tobacco (ERC20 FR only)

G-Card - Giftcards for Netflix and more (ERC20 FR only)

EquityPlus - Cryptocurrency trading bot

Reelistic Lighting - Professional lighting equipment for the film and television industry.

Utopia Music - Record Label.


Price Trackers

Please join our github to contribute to development. There are generous development bounties available

Freedom Reserve Foundation address (Donate to the foundation)